Also H/T to The Telegraph in Great Britain who are following the big change that is coming in police Taser guns for the U.S. and the U.K. Get this, as if the U.S. does not have enough problems. As Tim king reports, As the controversy surrounding the use of these police weapons on people heats up, the company in Scottsdale, Arizona that manufactures the Taser has a new model out that will allow police to fire multiple barbed wires charged with electricity at one or more people, more like an automatic weapon. The new Taser gun will fire three times.
Police say the older Taser stun guns have to be reloaded after one shot, and that creates a problem for officers who miss their target, though they are used at very close range. The company stated that the new Taser can strike more than one person simultaneously.
It is the first time in six years that this Arizona company has released a new model. It was shown to hundreds of police and distributors at Taser's annual conference. It isn't available yet, and the company stated that they will announce the release date next month.
The multi shot Taser guns will sell for $1,799, which is $1,000 more than the current model, Taser spokesman Steve Tuttle told The Telegraph.
Salem-News.com has reported several times that Tasers are used under questionable circumstances on American citizens. So far this year, police have killed two minors with Tasers. Records since June 2001 indicate that Tasers have caused 351 deaths so far in the United States.
In spite of reports from human rights groups, the company that sells these to police, says Tasers do not cause heart attacks.
The Taser spokesman says the company has gone to court over 97 wrongful-death lawsuits, and won 96 of them. It is important to note however that it is very difficult to ever find a case where a police officer is adjudicated over killing a suspect in the line of duty.
Still, those numbers indicate how lethal Tasers truly are. YouTube is also loaded with footage of police seemingly torturing people with Tasers.
Here are some examples:
Florida cop Tasers argumentative customer at Best Buy, (see: Officer Uses Taser To Tame Best Buy Shopper)
Police kill confused and jet lagged foreigner in Canada with Tasers, (see: Another Taser Death - Daniel Johnson Salem-News.com)
In Missouri, a 16-year old was Tasered 19 times after falling 30ft and breaking his back, (see Police taser teen with broken back)
Cop Tasers 72-year old great grandmother in Texas, (see: Texas Cops Support Taser Strikes on 72-Year Old Great Grandmother - Political Perspective by Tim King Salem-News.com)
Multiple Taser shots fired at a Baptist minister in Arizona. (see: More Videotape Released in Alleged Border Patrol Checkpoint Beating of Preacher - Tim King Salem-News.com)
A Taser was involved in a recent story involving the death of a man in Salem, (see: Suspect Dies After Being Tased During Arrest - Salem-News.com)
Enough of the Taser Torture In America - It's time for a call for Congressional Hearings.
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